2015年3月16日 星期一



索書號:DVD 413.21/8566/2012 v.1-2
索書號:DVD 413.915/8465/2012 v.1-2
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.1
書名:心臟植移 [錄影資料]
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.2
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.3
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.4
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.5
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.6
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.7
索書號:DVD 416.175/8675/2006 v.8
索書號:DVD 419.825/8454/2015
索書號:DVD 987.81/8425/2014
索書號:DVD WC536/HEPT/2006
書名:Hepatitis C
索書號:DVD WJ342/END/2012
書名:End stage renal disease
索書號:DVD WL356/STR/2010
書名:Stroke patient  : a comprehensive guide
索書號:DVD WL360/YOG/1993
書名:Yoga for MS and related conditions
索書號:DVD WM171/MOO/2007
書名:Mood disorders 
索書號:DVD WM172.5/ACU/2011
書名:Acute and post-traumatic stress disorder
索書號:DVD WM176/OBS/2002
書名:Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
索書號:DVD WM178/PAN/2011
書名:Panic disorders and agoraphobia
索書號:DVD WM203.5/AUT/2008
書名:Autism spectrum disorders
索書號:DVD WT155/ALZE/2010
書名:Alzheimer's today : a caregiver's guide
索書號:DVD WY100.2/SUC/2013
書名:Successfully relocating clients
索書號:DVD WY100/IMP/2013
書名:Improving your observation & documentation skills
索書號:DVD WY152.2/RES/2006
書名:Residents rights in long term care
索書號:DVD WY152/DEV/2013
書名:Developing & monitoring an effective care team
索書號:DVD WY152/EXC/2013
書名:Exceptional customer service skills is as easy
asmanaging expectations
索書號:DVD WY152/MAK/2006
書名:Making every minute count
索書號:DVD WY152/RIS/2013
書名:Risk management for the geriatric care manager
索書號:DVD WY156/CARC/2007
書名:Caring for the cancer patient :
caring for the patient with breast cancer
索書號:DVD WY156/CARI/2007
書名:Caring for the cancer patient:
Basic Genetics for the Oncology Nurse
索書號:DVD WY156/CARN/2007
書名:Caring for the cancer patient. Leukemia :
implications of the initial diagnosis
索書號:DVD WY156/CARS/2007
書名:Caring for the cancer patient :
Symptom Management for the Patient with Lung Cancer
索書號:DVD WY156/ONC/2007
書名:Oncologic pain management  :
alternative pain management in oncology treatment
索書號:DVD WY156/ONCL/2007
書名:Oncologic treatment modalities  :
preventing medication errors for the oncology nurse
索書號:DVD WY156/ONCO/2007
書名:Oncologic treatment modalities:
chemotherapy administration for the oncology nurse
索書號:DVD WY156/ONCS/2007
書名:Oncologic emergencies : sepsis and DIC
索書號:DVD WY156/ONCT/2007
書名:Oncologic emergencies
索書號:DR WD200.5.H8/DYS/2007
書名:Dyslipidemia : an overview
索書號:DR WE250/OSTE/2008
書名:Osteoporosis  : an overview
索書號:DR WE250/POS/2007
書名:Postmenopausal osteoporosis: an overview
索書號:DR WE344/PSOR/2009
書名:Psoriatic arthritis : physician's reference
索書號:DR WE346/RHEU/2008
書名:Rheumatoid arthritis : an overview
索書號:DR WE348/OST/2008
書名:Osteoarthritis : an overview
索書號:DR WE550/SPA/2009
書名:Spasticity  : an overview
索書號:DR WF140/UPP/2009
書名:Upper respiratory tract infections:
physician's reference
索書號:DR WF553/CHR/2007
書名:Chronic asthma  : an overview
索書號:DR WF600/CHRO/2007
書名:Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease :
an overview
索書號:DR WG15/ANI/2010
書名:Animated dictionary of cardiology
索書號:DR WG166.5.A3/PER/2008
書名:Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty :
an overview
索書號:DR WG169/COR/2008
書名:Coronary artery bypass graft : an overview
索書號:DR WG298/STA/2008
書名:Stable angina: an overview
索書號:DR WG300/MYO/2008
書名:Myocardial infarction : an overview
索書號:DR WG340/HYP/2008
書名:Hypertension  : an overview
索書號:DR WI420/INF/2008
書名:Inflammatory bowel disease  : an overview
索書號:DR WI520/IRRI/2009
書名:Irritable bowel syndrome : an overview
索書號:DR WI700/ALC/2009
書名:Alcoholic liver disease  : an overview
索書號:DR WJ752/BEN/2007
書名:Benign prostatic hyperplasia: an overview
索書號:DR WJ762/PRO/2009
書名:Prostate cancer : physician's reference
索書號:DR WK800/MET/2008
書名:Metabolic syndrome : physician's reference
索書號:DR WK810/ROL/2007
書名:The role of DPP-IV inhibitors in the management of
Type-2 diabetes
索書號:DR WK810/TYP/2007
書名:Type 2 diabetes : an overview
索書號:DR WK820/INSU/2007
書名:Insulin resistance  : an overview
索書號:DR WK835/DIAB/2008
書名:Diabetic neuropathy : an overview
索書號:DR WL200/PNE/2007
書名:Pneumococcal meningitis : an overview
索書號:DR WL344/MIGR/2007
書名:Migraine : an overview
索書號:DR WL355/STRO/2007
書名:Stroke : an overview
索書號:DR WL385/EPIE/2008
書名:Epilepsy : an overview
索書號:DR WL704/NEU/2008
書名:Neuropathic pain  : an overview
索書號:DR WP870/BREA/2008
書名:Breast cancer : an overview
索書號:DR WV232/OTI/2008
書名:Otitis media  : an overview
索書號:DR WV335/ALLE/2008
書名:Allergic rhinitis  : an overview
索書號:DR WV340/SIN/2008
書名:Sinusitis : an overview
索書號:DR WW260/LAS/2008
書名:Lasik & cataract  : an overview
索書號:DR WW290/GLAO/2008
書名:Glaucoma  : an overview
索書號:DR WY107/COM/2012
書名:Competent care in a culturally diverse nation
索書號:DR WY156/ONCY/2007
書名:Oncologic treatment modalities :
symptom management for the radiation oncology patient
